
Legacy Charting vs. Charting Companion

Differences between Charting Companion and Millennia Legacy Charting (MLC). Charting Companion has been pioneering innovative chart formats since 1995. Charting Companion generally produces more compact charts at the same point size, enabling you to present more information on fewer pages: more economical, faster to assemble, easier to handle.

1. "Cousin Smart" is an option to detect and suppress duplicate individuals; also known as "Pedigree Collapse" or "Implexus". The benefit is that it gives enhanced insight into family structures, as well as reducing the size of the chart.

2. Crop marks guide cutting and facilitate precise fit of tiled pages. It is not practical to assemble large charts without page numbers for reference.

3. Custom PDF page size is important because it gives the best control over chart appearance when taking it to the print shop (Kinko's, Generation Maps)

4. Manually editing or 'tweaking' the chart sounds like a good idea at first. However, if you have to repeatedly adjust the positioning of the boxes every time you do a chart, might this become tedious and too much trouble in the long run? Our goal is to produce the best chart automatically, sparing you the trouble of compensating for poor program logic. Our Ancestor and Descendant Charts (Left-to-right), for example, adjust the position of the boxes so that a box will not be split over two pages.
Box sizes are specified as a range in order to automatically optimize the width with respect to the page size and the margins.


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