
Turning on Debug mode

When Charting Companion operates in Debug Mode, a trace log is created which helps us analyze what's going on, and enables us to fix problems.

To activate Debug Mode, create a special shortcut for Charting Companion.

1. Right-click on your Desktop, click on "New ➔ Shortcut":

2. Click on "Browse" to search for Charting Companion


3. Browse to the folder where you installed Charting Companion, and select the program file, "CC.EXE".

4. Click on "Next":

5. Give a name to the shortcut:

6. Click on "Finish".

7. Right-click on your new shortcut, click on "Properties":

8. In the line next to "Target", add "/DW" at the end (separated by a blank):

9. Click on OK, then double-click on the Debug version of the icon to start a new session.

10. Look for the log file and send it to Progeny:


where "userID" is your login ID, and "MMDDhhmm" is Month, Day, hour and minute. Ex: "01191055" is 10:55 AM, Jan. 19.


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